OpenAg Wiki Archive
Archived Contents from the original OpenAg Wiki (snapshot on Apr 8, 2020)
The archived wiki only includes information up the v3.0 version of the PFC-EDU, and is here for preservation purposes. You can find resources about the latest version of the PFC v4.0 on the Personal Food Computer resources page.
openag_brain CLI
/openag_brain/ commands are typically accessed through rosrun.
For example: rosrun openag_brain main personal_food_computer_v2.launch
openag_brain main
To start running the openag_brain system:
usage: main [-h] [-A API_SERVER] [-D DB_SERVER] [--screen] launch_file
Runs the entire software project. In particular, it initializes the database
(init_db) and runs the roslaunch file.
positional arguments:
launch_file The path to the .launch file to use
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-A API_SERVER, --api_server API_SERVER
Address of the API from the api module
-D DB_SERVER, --db_server DB_SERVER
Address of the database server
--screen Passes the --screen flag to the roslaunch call, which
forces all node output to the screen. Useful for
Load a built-in fixture before starting by putting it in the (default)
openag_brain firmware
Used to build the firmware and flash it to the Arduino board. The latest details are here.
You must initialize the platform I/O system one time:
rosrun openag_brain init_pio
Firmware help:
rosrun openag_brain firmware -h
To just build the firmware:
rosrun openag_brain firmware launch/personal_food_computer_v2.yaml
To build the firmware and flash it to the Arduino board:
rosrun openag_brain firmware –target upload launch/personal_food_computer_v2.yaml