OpenAg Wiki Archive
Archived Contents from the original OpenAg Wiki (snapshot on Apr 8, 2020)
The archived wiki only includes information up the v3.0 version of the PFC-EDU, and is here for preservation purposes. You can find resources about the latest version of the PFC v4.0 on the Personal Food Computer resources page.
ROS has it’s own configurable logging utilities
rospy has several methods for writing log messages, all starting with “log”:
rospy.logdebug(msg, *args)
rospy.logwarn(msg, *args)
rospy.loginfo(msg, *args)
rospy.logerr(msg, *args)
rospy.logfatal(msg, *args)
These levels have a one-to-one correspondence to the rosout verbosity levels. There are four potential places a log message may end up depending on the verbosity level:
stdout: loginfo
stderr: logerr, logfatal, logwarn (ROS 0.9)
your Node's log file: all
the /rosout Topic: loginfo, logwarn, logerr, logfatal